Meet Toyin
I have always loved cooking from a young age, especially watching my Mother who is the most amazing cook create incredible dishes for our big family. Being raised in a traditional Nigerian background but growing up in England has allowed me to enjoy the best of both food traditions. Can you imagine cooking a sausage casserole using Obe-Ata from Toyin’s Kitchen!
How It All Started
One Sunday, I went to church and I sat at the back anxious about how I was going to provide for my children. They were barely crawling at this stage. During the service, I remember the preacher saying that God will bless you out of what you have and not out of what you don’t have. ‘Think’ he said what do YOU have?
Immediately, I knew my answer. I loved cooking. People often asked me to cook for them and offered to pay. That same week, I printed out flyers and took food samples around Chiswick. I called my business “African Legend” and off I went to introduce Nigerian food to the world. This venture was short lived but it was my first attempt and I didn’t do too badly.
The Idea
I was cooking and supplying food on a regular basis to Nigerian restaurants around London as well as for family and friends. I was beginning to struggle with keeping up with the orders. One day, I had a massive order and I started the same old process of preparing my Obe-Ata first. As I was cooking the Obe-Ata, I was thinking why don’t I look into making it on a more commercial scale; and as they say the rest is history! In 2015 Toyin’s Kitchen was born.
I developed a 4 strength range of Obe-Ata cooking sauces all from my little kitchen hence the name, Toyin’s Kitchen. However I realised that parents and carers also wanted to use Obe-Ata for their young children especially for weaning dishes so I had to create our Ever so Mild strength that has no chilli but all the wonderful taste of Obe-Ata. So back then we had 5 strengths in my Obe-Ata cooking sauce range.
They are Ever so Mild, (thanks Kate), Mild, Medium, Hot, & Playing with fire which is as hot as it’s name! (thank you for the feed back from hard core foodies at the foodies festival!!) They would taste and say thats not hot!...but it certainly is now.
I would like to see parents give their children the very best start in life with fresh easy to use easy to cook with Obe-Ata.